Want more purpose?
In recent emails, you read that research shows people who score low on ‘purpose in life’ tests are at higher risk for cognitive decline & dementia. Clearly, we all want to feel a strong ‘purpose in life’!
Several of you sent reply emails, asking: What is 'purpose in life'? Where can I find it?
Here below are two recent research papers that offer clues for finding more 'purpose in life'. These studies involved several hundred research participants, so they could be relevant for you too.
More about purpose!
Thank you for all your feedback! I was glad to share such surprising research -- especially since I know many of you are especially interested in cognitive health.
This research seems to show that living with a sense of purpose is good for the health of your brain.
It's part of a research review published in Ageing Research Reviews -- a summary of studies that investigated positive psychological factors that influence brain health.
The authors concluded: “Having purpose in life was signific…
Do you have purpose?
Your cognitive health is important, isn't it? We all want to support our memory and clear thinking. Fortunately, science now gives us many clues on how best to preserve cognitive clarity.
Certainly, your overall physical health, especially your brain health, is important in this. Whatever is good for your brain is good for your cognitive health.
For example, adequate sleep and certain habits of diet and activity are known to reduce the risk of cognitive decline. In last week’s email, I even…
Ageism vs. The Wisdom of the Elders
Wisdom or Ageism?
Do you know this word: ‘Ageism’?
‘Ageism’ is a word first coined in 1969 by American psychiatrist, Robert N. Butler. He was referring to systematic stereotyping or discrimination against people because they are old.
Through the years, the definition of ‘ageism’ has evolved to mean prejudice against other age groups too, but ageism is still most commonly recognized as prejudice and discrimination against older people.
This can be a serious social problem — seniors denied …
Woman's Natural Power After Menopause - The Message of Evolution
Women often underestimate the value of post-menopausal life. I’ve been practicing medicine for 40 years, and many times women have told me of their self-doubt after menopause.
They say: “The best part of life seems over…” “I feel irrelevant… nonexistent…” “I’m not important…” “I don’t matter…”
This is too common. Our culture habitually overlooks the significance of older women.
But human evolution shows us something entirely different. For thousands of years, post-menopausal women were ma…