Optimism Protects Your Heart!


Remarkably, science continues to demonstrate that optimistic people are at lower risk for illness and death, when contrasted with their more pessimistic peers. 

In a previous post we examined a study that showed an optimistic attitude was associated with healthier aging in 33,000 women over an 8 year period. At the start of the study, their average age was 67 years.

Now, let’s consider these 3 studies that associate optimism with better cardiovascular health.

JAMA (the journal of he American …

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Optimism is Good Medicine!


Optimism is definitely good for women’s health — especially as we age. That’s the findings of a 2019 study by Dr. Peter James & his colleagues, of Harvard Medical School. 

Researchers followed the health of more than 33,000 American women for 8 years. The women who entered the study were of average age 67. All were in good health. They completed various health tests, including a psychological test that measured their level of optimism. Some of the women were found to be in the ‘most optimistic’…

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Hostility Hurts Your Heart!

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Here’s another psychological factor that can affect your physical health — hostility. 

Since the 1980’s, dozens of scientific studies have shown that people with chronic hostility & cynicism frequently develop cardiovascular illness (heart disease, high blood pressure and narrowing of the blood vessels). The evidence is clear: chronic hostility burdens the body — especially the heart & blood vessels. 

Hostility is “chronic hate and anger” — it’s an individual’s tendency to feel suspicion and m…

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